Tuesday 25 November 2014

Food groups and healthy tips


11-14 years old
6th grade of primary school and above
Speaking, reading and writing.
 1. Read a text about healthy food tips and food groups. Answer to the questions and classify food.
2. Read the information included in the food groups chart. Make today’s menu by taking into account the servings and amounts.
3. Play online games about healthy food and habits.

  • Teacher's guide:

1.  The first activity is a reading comprehension. I have created a text specially for this activity. The following questions allow students to think of their daily routines and habits as well as learn new vocabulary about food.

2.  In the second activity, they will be able to make their own menu. They should bear in mind the servings and amounts. Students will complete the following chart:

Today’s menu


Breakfast 8 am:

-A cup of milk
-A slice of bread with olive oil
- A banana

Mid-morning snack 10:30 am

Lunch 2 pm

Teatime 5 pm

Dinner 9 pm

3.  To conclude, pupils will play and explore different online activities related to the topic:

  • Talking Food Pyramid 
  • Description--> Chef Solus shares some important information about each of the food groups of the food pyramid.

  • Pyramid Panic Arcade Game  
  • Description-->Chef Solus is trying to make his way home from the pyramid in the jungle. He is hungry and needs to make some meals. Help Chef Solus find foods to make a healthy balanced meal. Careful, there are fatty or sugary foods trying to stop him.

  • Kevin's Build a Meal Game  
  • Description--> Travel with Kevin from the kitchen, school cafeteria and grocery store as he races the clock to build the perfect meal. 
Finally, I would like to share a free website called Nourish, in which you can find a variety of interactive tools to assist in teaching the key elements of nutrition. 
Enjoy your meal!


  1. Congratulations Vanesa, It´s a great idea to combine the healthy foods with games. And of course, I think that to write in a timetable can help them to structure his daily supply and his life.

    Thanks, good job.

  2. Vanesa, it is a interesting idea because the students can study vocabulary (food), they improve some skills (reading and writing) and you can use it to give them some useful advices to be healthier. Furthermore, they will play a game so it makes it more attractive. You have found a fantastic combination, congratulations! All the links work properly and the design is good.

    1. Hello Vanesa, I like it your blog very much. It is attractive for children (the blue colour of the background, the pictures...). I think kids will enjoy doing this excercise about the healthy food menu, and also, in my pint of view as a future Primary School teacher, I can say that they will learn a lot about English vocabulary and alimentation.
      I will use your idea someday;)

  3. Hello Vanesa. You've done a incredible work, not only in this post but in all of them! Congratulations!
    I appreciate the incorporation of teacher's guide besides the pupils activities. This step by step scheme is well-designed to be implemented at class. I'm sure you have pay attention to those student who have different levels of knowledge. Good job!

  4. Thanks a lot!! your comments are very useful for me.

    Vanesa Pitarch Rosas

  5. Hello Vanessa!! I like your blog very much because you explain concrete activities in an easy way. With this activity children can relate their everyday life with contents already worked on previous years. The only thing that I would like to know is how would you deal with the text that pupils have to read. I find it a bit hard to understand in terms of grammar.
    Congratulations for your great work!!

  6. Hi Marimar!

    As I have said the first activity is a reading comprehension for 6th year of primary school. Thus, the teacher can provide them the specific vocabulary before and explain doubts in the end of the activity. Anyway the questions are easy to answer. I can make suggestions but each teacher has his own methodology.

    Thanks for take a look!!
    All the best!!

  7. Hi Vanessa!
    I like a lot your activities, they are all about food and how we can improve our habits so that they can be healthier for all of us, it's very entertaining and at the same time children can learn a lot about what they eat and what they should it to be better. I have to add that you can access to the activities quite fast so it's very comfortable for the user, thanks a lot!

  8. Hi Vanessa! Congrats for your blog, it is nice and interesting. This activity is really good because you work in an integrated way and students have the opportunity to learn English skills, Science and healthy habits.
    On the other side, there are a lot of scientist who consider that the food pyramid is a fake due to it was proposed by Kellogg’s; nowadays there are wheels of food and another independent resource. But tasks are clear and give us (teachers) some ideas to improve our classes. So thanks a lot!
    Best regards!

  9. Hello Vanesa,

    I find your blog very useful and interesting. You explain clearly in each activity how we can use them. In my case, I like the activity about the healthy food. Children really need to know lot of things about food because some of them normally ate junk food. The activity about make a menu can really educate our students to avoid junk food. In addition, we can make an interdisciplinary project involving the Physical Education teacher, the English teacher and the Natural Science teacher. The website http://www.nourishinteractive.com/ is really interesting, too. Congratulations for your blog.


  10. Hi Vanessa! Congrats for your blog, it is nice and interesting. This activity is really good because you work in an integrated way and students have the opportunity to learn English skills, Science and healthy habits.
    On the other side, there are a lot of scientist who consider that the food pyramid is a fake due to it was proposed by Kellogg’s; nowadays there are wheels of food and another independent resource. But tasks are clear and give us (teachers) some ideas to improve our classes. So thanks a lot!
    Best regards!

  11. Hi Vanessa, first of all congratulations for your activity. I think it´s very complete as not only the children practise their skills (reading , listening and speaking), they will also learn about the habit of a healthy lifestyle in a fun way. Nowadays It´s very important as junk food, sweets and all these kinds of products are very popular between the young ones, so it´s essential to inform them about the danger of not having a healthy diet plus they are learning English. It´s great! :)
